Scholarship Recommendation


I am writing a letter on behalf of Moch Nabil Farras Dhiya ,a student of Senior high school 3 Bandung. I have had the pleasure of supervising her as his homeroom teacher. I know Nabil since him entered High School. Now He is 16 years old.

Nabil is a smart and dilligent student.He is also a loving person.When he is in class he is an active student, if the teacher gives a question he likes to answer.Even though he is not experienced enough in an organization, but he's confidence enough about him speaking skills.

Nabil is quite smart in mathematics and physics.He also often participates in physics olympiad.He is that kind of person that's good at some kind of puzzle, analysis, logic, and number-related problems since he's already used to it since kindergarten.He also quickly understood new things being taught.He's one of those person that delay doing things until certain days or the exact day before the deadline. But once He put him mind on something, or He take a slight interest or something, He can done it in faster.

He understand a little bit Japanese.He once dreamt to become something like an Astrophysicist in Japan.I know Nabil very well, Nabil really likes physics so I highly recommend Nabil for this scholarship program.

Lintang Maharani
The Homeroom teacher of XI MIPA 8
3 Senior High School Bandung


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