
Hallo everyody well come back to my blog !
We can see from the title, i will tell you about Gathapraya, if you don't know what is Gathapraya, Gathapraya is a festival of art, literature, and cultre held by SMAN 3 Bandung.The event is about indonesia culture.

Gathapraya was held on 30th September 2017. The event started at 12.00 pm and finished at 10.00 am.But before the event start the tenth grade of tree residents must folow the parade and wear kebaya clothes. We must come at 08.00 pm in Saparua. In Saparua there is the appearance of elementary school children there are dancing and sing regional songs. Each class was ordered to present two female and male representatives for the fashion show. During the fashion show couple's parade must wear custom clothing along the road from saparua to the bali field, for couples fashion show there is walking and some are riding a horse.

At that time the representative of my class women's fashion show was unable to come and the other chose me as his successor, but I don't wear custom clothes.I finally replaced her. Incidentally my class gets to ride the horse. Honestly I was afraid to ride a horse. At the time the horse's rafter kept dancing and made me scared. I get the most active horse and this horse is walking off the track and made me even more afraid. My teachers and friends laughed at me and it embarrassed me. His horse has no place for the leg it makes me stiff.
finally reached the bali field, when I came down my legs so weak and also I was very embarrassed because by the time I got off they laughed at me.

After reaching the field of bali I went to my friend's house to change clothes and went directly to the movies. The event started at 12.00 pm and the gate closed at 04.00 pm. Me and my friends arrived at 03.00 pm. At the gate of gathapraya that located in Bali field, I was showing my e-ticket. E-ticket is a electronic ticket, so you don't need to bring a physicial ticket, you just bring your phone and open the e-ticket in you email.Before Gathapraya held the team will sent you e-ticket to your e-mail that you had sent it to them. 

At the time I just came I saw MK3 was performing.Mk3 colaburatin with KPA 3. After that came the governor of west java gave little motivation . and the most I wait for is the appearance of T'ST .T'ST is an estraculicular cabaret that is in Sman 3 bandung. At night there is the appearance of elepant kind, hivi, vina panduwinata, didi nini towok and nidji.I was very happy and very amuse.


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