Planning for next holiday

Lintang   : "Hallo Annisa! Holiday is coming,how about your feel?"
Annisa    : "I feel very happy."
Lintang   : "Yes I can see the through your face,why you feel very happy?"
Annisa    : "Because there will be no homework for two weeks."
Lintang   : "I agree with you Haha ,What's your plan for holiday?
Annisa    : "Umm..I think I want to sleep,watching tv,play with my young sisters and i can go                  to place that want to go."
Lintang   : "That's sound good.will you go some where?"
Annisa    : "Ummmmmmm" (was thinking)
Lintang   : "What place you want to visit?"
Annisa    : "I think I will to go to Rinjani Mountain."
Lintang   : "What are you doing in Rinjani Mountain?"
Annisa    : "I want to climb that mountain.I love the view from the top."
Lintang   : " Woww good plan annisa! with whom do you want to go?"
Annisa    : "Of course..with My family."
Lintang   : "Approximately how long have you been in Rijani Mountain."
Annisa : "Maybe...for three days."
Lintang : "But climbing a mountain is dangerous.are you dare?."
Annisa : "Actually a little scared but the family is already often climbing the mountain together
Lintang : "When are you leaveing?"
Annisa : "I'm not sure. I will propably leave around the end of December."
Lintang : "Is there any one selling souvenirs?"
Annisa : "Looks like I'm not so sure before I've never been there. Do you want me to buy souvenirs?"
Lintang : "Hahaha,are you bothering?."
Annisa : "No,just relax."
Lintang : "If there's still the rest of the holiday and you've gone home on vacation, will you go with me?
Annisa : "Go where?"
Lintang : "Go to shoping,watching movies and hangout and much more."
Annisa : "Ok ,hopefull.
Lintang : " Have a nice holiday,see you later!
Annisa : " Ok.See you,bye!
Lintang : " Bye"


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