about my self

Hello Guys,

Hi! My name is Lintang Maharani.This is my new blog. So i will to introduce my self. You can call me Lintang. I am from Bandung.I was born in Bandung, 19th October 2002. I am 14th years old. I have one brother. I live in Komp.Villa Pasirwangi Blok I No.9-11, Kec.Ujungberung, Kota Bandung. I'm studying in Senior High school 3 Bandung, My class is X MIPA 8.

My hobby is singing but i have ugly voice, I don't know why and I love taekwondo. I joined Taekwondo since 2012. Intially, I just saw My brother practice taekwondo, so i interested to joined taekwondo. I often attend the champioship and get a medal.

8 years ago I live in Ciganitri, Kec.Bojongsoang, Kab.Bandung. When I go up to grade 3 I moved school from SDN Ciganitri to SDN Ujungberung because I moved house. Before I'm studying in Senior High School 3 bandung, I'm Studying in Junior High School 50 Bandung. Oh my god I really miss my schoolmate in JHS 50 because hard to find friends like them in SHS 3. I miss them laugh ,smile and all memories we do together.

umm... I think enough for this introduction. Don't forget to like and comment! if you corious with me you can follow my instagram @alinelintaang hehe

See you in the next blog guys!


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